Learner Resources
Need a little help? The following resources will help you discover your learning and skills training path.
The BC college system offers a diverse range of employer-relevant programs, courses, and credentials. These options help meet each learner’s unique educational needs and career goals.
BC’S Labour Market Outlook: 2023 Edition

Whether you are looking for your first job, coming back to the workforce after an absence or switching careers to achieve your professional goals, you’ll want to know what future opportunities will be in our province. The British Columbia Labour Market Outlook can help.
Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills
The Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills provides leadership and direction for BC's post-secondary education and skills training systems as well as labour market information and programs.

EducationPlannerBC is an education planning tool that provides learners with clear, reliable and detailed information on BC post-secondary institutions to help them make well-informed decisions about their education and career plans
Dual Credit

Dual credit programs have demonstrated success in enhancing pathways from the K-12 system through to post-secondary education.

SkilledTradesBC is a great resource to learn about a wide range of rewarding, well-paying skilled trades careers that are essential for our communities.
Trades Training BC

Trades Training BC is a consortium of 15 public post-secondary educational institutions created to promote trades training in BC.

The BC Council on Admissions & Transfer enables linkages between the BC post-secondary institutions, school districts, and private education sectors.
BCCAT Student Viewbook 2023

Find Your Path: Explore, Plan, Apply, and Transfer - your guide through BC's post-secondary transfer system.
Financial Aid Information

There are a number of options available to you. Each of our colleges also offers bursaries, including student awards and/or other financial support. Check with each college to find out more.