In The News

At BC Colleges, we want to acknowledge the successes of our colleges, especially excellence in teaching and community building. We celebrate the many milestones, projects, collaborations and announcements from our colleges on our website, in our monthly newsletter, and throughout our social media channels.

Read about the latest news and activities happening at colleges throughout BC in this month’s What’s New at BC Colleges? e-newsletter.

Northern Lights College Foundation Awards Five Deserving Students Category: Northern Lights College

Est. reading time 1 minute

Kim McPhedran, Executive Director of Northern Lights College Foundation, presented the entrance awards to five deserving AME students. “There is always a lot of excitement around awarding bursaries and scholarships, both for the students and the Foundation” said McPhedran.

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Northern Lights College Foundation Awards Five Deserving Students Category: Northern Lights College

Est. reading time 1 minute

Kim McPhedran, Executive Director of Northern Lights College Foundation, presented the entrance awards to five deserving AME students. “There is always a lot of excitement around awarding bursaries and scholarships, both for the students and the Foundation” said McPhedran.

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