In The News

At BC Colleges, we want to acknowledge the successes of our colleges, especially excellence in teaching and community building. We celebrate the many milestones, projects, collaborations and announcements from our colleges on our website, in our monthly newsletter, and throughout our social media channels.

Read about the latest news and activities happening at colleges throughout BC in this month’s What’s New at BC Colleges? e-newsletter.

Mir Lecture Shines Spotlight on Confronting Fascism Category: Selkirk College

Est. reading time 4 minutes

The Mir Centre for Peace Lecture Series is providing insight on how to confront racism with its Spring event at Nelson's Civic Theatre featuring historian Mark Bray who is one of the foremost experts in the Antifa movement.

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Selkirk College Music Faculty Step Out of the Classroom Category: Selkirk College

Est. reading time 2 minutes

Selkirk College's annual concert will showcase the talented music faculty from the Contemporary Music & Technology program at Nelson's Tenth Street campus - an evening show that is not to be missed.

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Selkirk College Music Program Instructor Releases breaTH Category: Selkirk College

Est. reading time 3 minutes

Selkirk College Contemporary Music & Technology Program faculty member Don Macdonald has been busy in the studio over the last few months and the result is a new collection of choral music that brings two beautiful voices together to create a full choir experience.

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Selkirk College Digs In for Audit of Campus Cafeteria Waste Category: Selkirk College

Est. reading time 2 minutes

As Selkirk College strives for sustainability, members of the Selkirk College Sustainability Committee and the Environment Club recently sorted through garbage and recycling bins on campus to determine how students and employees could be doing a better job at waste reduction.

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