
BC Gov News - Statement on Sexual Violence and Misconduct Information Campaign

Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training, has issued the following statement on the launch of an information campaign to prevent sexualized violence and misconduct on and around post-secondary campuses.

“Student life should never include any type of sexualized violence or misconduct. However, we know that roughly two-thirds of sexual assaults on campus occur during the first eight weeks of school.

“Our campaign focuses on raising awareness. Sexualized violence and misconduct should never be part of student life. They have life-changing consequences for everyone involved. Clear consent is always required.

“Our government is making sure we reach post-secondary students throughout B.C. We’re targeting social media, and popular bars and pubs on and around campus, as well as student newspapers.

“It’s critical that we send a strong message. We want students to feel safe, and to know that any type of sexualized violence or misconduct is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Original article from BC Government News