
Building a New Life Through Adult Basic Education

selkirk-college-ABE-pammy-uppal-500x400When Pammy Uppal moved from India 10 years ago to start a new life in Canada, she looked to The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) and Selkirk College to help her with the challenging transition.

Today, Uppal and her husband own three thriving Cuisine of India restaurants in Castlegar, Cranbrook and Vernon. With two young children, the 29-year-old is managing to balance family life, work life and finishing up her two-year Business Administration diploma at Selkirk College. Thriving in her new home, Uppal credits both CBAL and the regional college for helping provide the building blocks of success.

Castlegar restaurant owner Pammy Uppal has used a Selkirk College education to enhance her new life in Canada and build on her skills for success.

“Selkirk College is a great place to be,” she says. “I love Selkirk College… I have learned what I needed to know and all the instructors are great, they devote themselves 100 per cent. You get full value for the time you spend here.”

Read more about Uppal's story at