
CNC Lakes celebrates Aboriginal History Week

The College of New Caledonia (CNC) is celebrating Aboriginal communities, students and employees at its Lakes District campus throughout Aboriginal History Week, March 12 to 16.

Aboriginal History Week is an important opportunity to reflect and celebrate the thousands of years of history of First Nations in British Columbia. When looking at the past, it is also crucial to analyze the present as well as look toward the future, said CNC Director of Aboriginal Education Marlene Erickson.

“We must celebrate our past as well as our future because the two are intertwined,” she said. “Aboriginal communities are thriving today and that is certainly something to celebrate.”

Aboriginal History Week at CNC’s Lakes District campus kicks off with a student luncheon and screening of “Warmth of Love” by Sophie Thomas on March 12. The week continues on with a demonstration of a First Nations’ game, a presentation on natural and organic products for health and beauty as well as a talk with Witsuwit’en chef Andrew George Jr.

“CNC Lakes is very excited about our upcoming Aboriginal History Week to raise awareness of Aboriginal history and culture in this region,” said Susie Tress, Aboriginal advisor at CNC Lakes. “Everyone is welcome.”

Aboriginal History Week at CNC’s Lakes District campus:

All presentations run from noon to 1:00 pm in Room 007/008 and include a free lunch

March 12 – CNC student luncheon and video “Warmth of Love” by Sophie Thomas

March 13 – Welcome address by Pius Charlie, Burns Lake Band

Lahal Game by Bruce Allan, First Nations Studies Instructor at CNC Prince George campus

March 14 – Grease Trails by Rick Budhwa and Jocelyn Franks

March 15 – Tamara Ketlo (Nadleh Whut’en): Natural and Organic Products for Health and Beauty.

March 16 – Keynote Speaker: Andrew George Jr., Witsuwit’en chef



For more information:

Dustin Ruth

Media Relations, Communications

College of New Caledonia | 778-349-0597


Lynn Synotte

Marketing, Recruitment and Program Linkages,

College of New Caledonia, Lakes District campus | 250-692-1700 ext. 5471

Original article from CNC