
College Of The Rockies Hosting Career And Job Fair

College of the Rockies’ annual Career and Job Fair will be taking place in the College gym on Wednesday, March 6 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and will feature representatives from local and provincial companies, government agencies, and professional associations.

“This is an excellent opportunity for those looking for work or for a career change to network with employers in our region,” said Lourdes Roxas-Butalid, College of the Rockies Career and Placement Officer. “We encourage job seekers to come to this event prepared -- research companies they are interested in, prepare questions to ask, and impress employers with targeted resumes -- whether they are looking for a long-term career or summer employment.”

The Career and Job Fair will bring companies into direct contact with College and secondary school students, providing them with the opportunity to get young people interested in their industry. Members of the general public are encouraged to attend as well.

Attendees will have the opportunity to win numerous door prizes, including a $300 tuition award for College of the Rockies.

Fees paid by participating exhibitors contribute to College of the Rockies’ Career and Job Fair Entrance Awards, available to students entering the College’s Business programs and who have a goal of earning a minimum of a diploma in any major. Entrance award values are up to $1500. Details on award criteria and applications will be available at the Career and Job Fair, in schools, and online at

Leading up to the Career and Job Fair, on Tuesday, March 5, the College will be hosting a Symposium on DiversAbility = Success for All (Fostering Inclusion and Employment Opportunities for Everyone). This symposium will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the College’s Lecture Theatre (room 250) with a presentation by Annette Borrows, who has been assisting people with disabilities move towards employment for the past 20 years, and has written and facilitated over 250 hours of workshops and courses on employment equity strategies for people with diversities.

A panel discussion and opportunity for networking will follow Borrows’ presentation, from 6:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Immediately following the Career and Job Fair, job seekers are invited to attend a series of employer presentations. Participating employers will take 10 minutes to talk about their company or organization. This is an excellent opportunity for those looking for work to gain a better understanding of the companies in the region who are currently hiring. These presentations will take place from 4:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the College’s Lecture Theatre (room 250).

For more information on the Career and Job Fair, symposium and employer presentations, contact Lourdes Roxas-Butalid at 250-489-2751 x 3441 or A full list of employers can be found at

Original article from College of the Rockies