Get tutored at the Learning Centre
Get tutored at the Learning Centre
By Cathy Tremblay, Learning Centre Supervisor
Is philosophy giving you fits? Is APA absolutely agonizing? If so, you may want to check out the Douglas College Learning Centre for help with your courses.
The Learning Centre (or the “LC,” as the cool kids call it) has branches at both the Coquitlam and New Westminster campuses offering free help for any course at the college. The LC uses a student-led approach to learning that puts you in the driver’s seat to help you succeed not only in current courses, but future ones as well.
LC tutors are peer tutors; they are students just like you, taking classes at Douglas or other post-secondary institutions. In addition to help with coursework, they can help you with essay writing, math skills and computer problems. Plus they can coach you on how to study more effectively.
If you are having troubles in a course, don’t wait until it’s too late! From the LC homepage you can log into WCOnline and find a time that’s right for you for a 25-minute appointment. Bookings can be done 24 hours a day, so there’s no need to hesitate. All Learning Centre tutoring is FREE to Douglas College students.
The LC keeps the following hours during the Summer Semester:
New Westminster
9:30am-5:30pm, Monday-Friday
9:30am-5:30pm, Tuesday-Thursday
Read More: Get tutored at the Learning Centre