
Instructional Skills Workshop

Instructional Skills Workshop

Monday, August 19, 2013 - 8:30am to Tuesday, August 20, 2013 - 3:30pm
Selkirk College, Tenth Street Campus, Nelson, BC

The course begins with a virtual meeting of participants and is followed by some theoretical background as well as some individual and group activities provided online. The core of the course is two face-to-face days of practice teaching where both online and face-to-face instructors teach and give feedback to each other.

The Instructional Skills Workshop is a 30-40 hour course for new and experiences instructors happening Aug 19 - 20, 2013

The final part of the course is online work related to assessment, as well as a final project. The final project includes the instructor taping themselves while they deliver a learning experience at their worksite or volunteer job. Feedback will be received from the other course participants as well as the course facilitator online after the final project is submitted.


Learn more about Selkirk's Teaching & Learning Institute

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