
Langara: BC colleges and universities receive funding to foster research and innovation

BC colleges and universities receive funding to foster research and innovation

Vancouver, BC - The Western Canadian Innovation Offices Consortium (WICO), of which Langara College is a member, has been awarded $1,801,749 in funding in support of research and innovation in Western Canada. The announcement was made on July 29, 2015 by The Honourable Michelle Rempel, Minister of State for Western Economic Diversification. The focus of the funding will be the energy sector, a key economic driver for the west, capturing 27% of public and private investments in Canada.

“Langara is pleased to partner with other institutions around British Columbia. Being part of the proposed database will raise Langara's profile around technological innovation,” said Margaret Heldman, Dean, Faculty of Science at Langara College. “We look forward to continue expanding our research opportunities through this consortium.

The WCIO includes universities, colleges, and polytechnics. Its mandate is to work collaboratively with industry to carry out research in the energy sector that addresses industry needs. The funding will build a more entrepreneurial culture, commercialize technologies and ultimately create jobs and improve economic performance in Western Canada.

Langara’s Office of Applied Research matches the needs of businesses and community organizations with the outstanding research talents of the Langara community, creating exciting partnerships that tackle real world questions and problems. Other sources of funding for research at Langara include the President’s Innovation Fund, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).

About Langara
Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada, Langara College provides University, Career, and Continuing Studies education to more than 21,000 students annually. With more than 1,700 courses and 130 programs, Langara's expansive academic breadth and depth allows students of all ages, backgrounds, and life stages to choose their own educational path.

Learn more.

Margaret Heldman
Dean, Faculty of Sciences
Langara College
604.323.5499 |

Mark Dawson
Communications Officer
Communications & Marketing
604.323.5702 | 

Read More: BC colleges and universities receive funding to foster research and innovation