
Langara Nurse Educator To Receive National Award

Langara Nurse Educator to Receive National Award

Vancouver, BC – Jane Mighton, a Nurse Educator in the Langara School of Nursing, has been chosen to receive the 2014 Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing Award for Excellence in Nursing Education (Non-Tenured). The award will be presented at the organization’s annual awards reception at the Delta Ottawa City Centre on November 17, 2014.

Mighton was selected to receive this honour for her work in transforming nursing education by pushing the boundaries of creativity and hands-on teaching. She was an early adopter of practical learning, improving nursing practice and protocols through such innovations as attaching “pressure ulcer models” to mannequins so students could practice complex wound care in a more realistic environment. She was also instrumental in developing the use of blogs and learning management systems to maximize student interactivity and help develop online learning communities.

“Jane pioneered a big change in nursing education from the ‘sage on the stage’ method to using interactive and practical learning methods to engage learning within our program,” says Janine Lennox, Chair of the Langara School of Nursing. “She regularly combs the recent literature to find ideas.”

As an educator, mentor, and role model, Mighton has significantly contributed to the Langara School of Nursing’s reputation, establishing a legacy of better nursing care and benefiting countless patients.


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Wendy Watson
Communications Officer
Langara College
604.323.5884 |

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