
Langara's first Pop-Up Grad Gallery a big success

Langara's first Pop-Up Grad Gallery a big success

Langara's first ever Pop-Up Grad Gallery was a tremendous success. From April 11 to May 17, four different Creative Arts shows were on rotation in a temporary gallery in the main foyer of Langara's 'A' Building. Each exhibition, lasting for approximately one week, celebrated the creative talent of students in Design Formation, Fine Arts, Professional Photo-Imaging, and Publishing. The individual shows had opening night receptions which brought together students, teachers, parents, alumni, and industry professionals, amongst others.

"We have wanted to host a graduate student show on campus for a couple of years now,” said Julie Longo, Langara’s Dean of Arts. "The Pop-Up Gallery was a fun, collaborative project designed to create a constantly changing space where we could showcase and celebrate our talented creative arts grads. We are very proud of our students and we are excited to see where they will take their artistic careers."

Langara's Creative Arts are renowned for their hands-on learning, applied focus, and comprehensive training. Programs include Design Formation, Film Arts, Fine Arts, Journalism, Professional Photo-Imaging, Publishing, and Theatre Arts at Studio 58. For program details, please visit

Creative Arts Pop-Up Grad Gallery  

Design Formation's exhibit, D:Formed, was a refined and eclectic collection of portfolio work ranging from graphic design to conceptual interior spaces. It was a culmination of two years of hard work, late nights, and divine inspiration. 

Pop Up DF  pop up gallery df

Fine Arts had an impressive selection of media, drawing, sculpture, painting, design, digital art, ceramics, and prints. The collection reflected the extensive body of work that students have developed over the past two years. 

pop up fine arts  Pop Up Fine Art

This captivating exhibit was titled Exposed. It featured more than 70 photographs from this year's talented Photo-Imaging grads. This colleciton of work ranges from portraiture to photojournalism to commercial photography. 

pop up photography   Pop Up Photography  

Publishing students produced the 25th anniversary edition the program’s flagship publication – Pacific Rim Magazine. The annual production of the magazine is the cornerstone of the program, and features outstanding student writing, editing, and design work. There were 17,000 copies were distributed through the Globe and Mail newspaper, with further issues available for purchase through the Langara Bookstore. 

pop up gallery publishing  pop up gallery publishing

Congratulations to all the students and faculty on four spectacular shows!

Learn more.

Sylvia Tan
Communications Officer
Communications & Marketing
T 604.323.5961

Read More: Langara's first Pop-Up Grad Gallery a big success