
New bursary awards for NWCC students

New bursary awards for NWCC students

Terrace, BC, March 3, 2014 – Northwest Community College (NWCC) has received a $15,000 donation from Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines to establish six bursary awards for students.

“Many people across northern British Columbia lack the highly technical skills that will be required to work in the growing resource sector. Addressing this labour shortage is the responsibility of everyone – industry, government and the communities themselves,” said Catherine Pennington, Senior Manager, Northern Gateway Community Benefits & Sustainability, Enbridge Northern Gateway. “Since 2006, Northern Gateway has been supporting skills training programs in northern British Columbia. We are committed to important programs like those at Northwest Community College, which help train young people for skilled, well-paying, and long-term jobs in the future.”

Each $2,500 bursary award will be available to full-time NWCC students studying trades, technology, science or environmental programs in 2013-2014.

Read More: New bursary awards for NWCC students