
NIC Offers Kwak’wala Language Course this January

NIC will offer its first Indigenous language course in Port Hardy this January, thanks in part to a T’saxis (Fort Rupert) resident.

NIC instructor Sara Child developed the Introduction to Kwak’wala course for NIC a year ago to bring the language to life in the community.

“Despite our efforts to increase language learning in elementary schools, our youth and adults don’t have many opportunities to learn from fluent Kwak’wala speakers. Language revitalization needs to draw on people of all ages in the community to succeed. I’m very grateful NIC approved the course this April and embraced this opportunity. “

The Kwak’wala language is spoken in several different dialects in 15 First Nations’ communities
from the K’omoks First Nation in the south to the Tlatlasikwala First Nation on the northern end of Vancouver Island as well as in communities on the central BC coast.

Read More: NIC Offers Kwak’wala Language Course this January