
NLC Prepares Students for A Career in Clean Energy Technologies

NLC-trainingtowerimagesA Training Tower is being built on the Dawson Creek Campus of Northern Lights College, adjacent to the Centre of Excellence for Clean Energy Technology (Energy House) and the Regional Administration building. It will be constructed of cross-laminated timbers, an advanced wood technology that is now being promoted by the B.C. government through its Wood First program.

The Training Tower is a key component of Energy House and the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician program, and will be used by Wind Turbine students and students in certain Workforce Training safety courses such as Confined Space and High Angle Rescue. NLC offers the only Wind Turbine program in the province.

“Access to a Training Tower is imperative for Wind Turbine students to qualify for BZEE certification, the international standard required by most companies around the world,” said Brent Deinstadt, Vice President Corporate Services at NLC. “The Training Tower is designed to replicate conditions faced by wind turbine technicians when repairing, maintaining, installing or otherwise working on a wind turbine system.”

The College has worked with government and regulatory agencies, including the City of Dawson Creek and NAV Canada, over the past two years to obtain the necessary permits and clearances for the project.

The Training Tower will not include a wind turbine, nor blades or operating mechanical components. It will be approximately 30 metres in height, with a 20-foot diameter base.