
North Island College Spotlight: Connecting Past and Future Through Study Abroad

NIC nursing student Ariane Jensen’s study abroad experience in Denmark strengthened her understanding of nursing and connected her to her roots.

Jensen spent 10 weeks in Denmark in the spring of 2018 in the third year of her Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, including a seven-week placement in a Danish hospital. Jensen chose Denmark because of her family connection. She was born in Denmark, her family moved to Canada when she was young. 

“It was really nice to touch base with my roots,” she said. “It meant a lot to me that I was able to do that while in school and pursuing my education.”

Jensen learned a lot about the difference in how nursing is governed in other countries. 

“It was interesting to see the differences in nursing between the two countries in terms of practice standards and how overall health care is approached,” said Jensen. “It made me appreciate the autonomy and advocacy role nurses have in BC.”

Jensen would recommend all students look at the opportunity to study abroad.

“I learned a lot about myself and about what I want in life,” said Jensen. “It can be hard to step outside your comfort zone, but you need to embrace the discomfort – that’s what you learn from and that’s what you grow from. It’s what makes the experience worthwhile.”

To learn more about NIC study abroad opportunities, visit

Original article from North Island College