
Northern Lights College Students Bring Medals from Skills Canada Competition

Several Northen Lights College students not only earned a place in Skills Canada’s BC championships this year but also brought home medals and a better understanding of how their education fits within the national context. The competition, which was held in Abbotsford on April 19, included lots of representation from NLC; eight students competed in six events, having earned their spot at the regional qualifier.

In the end, NLC’s own Kaylea Mould won gold in esthetics, Samuel Sawatsky took silver in welding, Tyson Nielson got bronze in electrical wiring, and Laura Kohan tied for bronze in aerospace technology.

There were also some NLC-adjacent winners; two students from North Peace Secondary School who are doing dual credit studies with NLC also medaled. John Ryder took silver in electrical wiring, and Brodie Fitzgerald took silver in hairstyling.

Kaylea, our gold medalist, was one of three competitors in esthetics. Seeing the differences in how they were taught esthetics at their school compared to NLC was eye-opening, Kaylea says, it gave her an appreciation of the various approaches to the industry and broadened her horizons.

“I went in there open minded. Even before the competition, I went there thinking I’m just doing this for the opportunity, and I’m going to showcase my skills and do what I know best. And just focus on what I’m doing and my training.”

That focus clearly paid off, as she learned that her score beat out the other competitors.
On the aerospace side, Laura was a bit stressed during the competition but says looking back she was glad she got to take part.

“It was hard. It was very stressful, but it was fun to do,” she says. “It was really cool to get a taste of the kind of work we’ll be doing in the field, and it was really neat to meet the other competitors and the students that will be coming up here next semester.”

Okanagan College students Ethan Ropcean, who took the top spot, and Bryce Brown, who tied with Laura for bronze, have committed to coming to NLC for their fourth term of the aircraft maintenance program.

Having won gold, Kaylea will travel to Winnipeg for the Skills Canada National Competition later this month.

Congratulations to all our participants!

Original article from Northern Lights College