
November 5, 2012 Presidents & Board Chairs Meeting

  • BCC Presidents meeting package for the November 5th meeting (YVR Fairmont, Finch Salon)

  • Student Transitions Project, the New Student Mobility Model, presented by Joanne Heslop at the Nov 5th BCC meeting.  The slides on dual enrollment are also included in this document, although Joanne did not have time to present it.  Joanne notes that this presentation has not been approved by Government Communications for public distribution, so it can only be circulated internally among those who attended the November 5th meeting.

  • Robert Adamoski, BCCAT, has made available the applicant research examining Nursing programs in BC.  There are specific recommendations concerning business practices which continue to plague BCCAT's ability to compile system-wide applicant data.  These are summarized in Table 6 on page 22 of the report, and elaborated upon in the preceding discussion.

  • Alix Cameron and Cindy Ball of RedCAB Communications shared with Presidents and Board Chairs BCC's Pre-Election Communications strategy.  Included were key messages and the three strategies (#1 - Leverage Industry's Demand for Skilled Labour; #2 - Prepare stakeholders to advocate on behalf of BC Colleges; #3 - Proactively communicate the good work done by BC Colleges).  The BC Colleges Summary Communications Plan, revised November 5th, is also posted here.