NWCC Training Program Supports Aboriginal Learners and BC’s Mineral Exploration Industry
A new and unique program is responding to industry needs and helping to better prepare Aboriginal learners for work in the mineral exploration, mining and natural resources fields.
Northwest Community College’s School of Exploration & Mining (NWCC SEM) delivered a pilot Mining Exploration & Natural Resource Field Assistant program in Smithers, BC July 7-24, 2014 in partnership with the Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia (AME BC). AME BC is recognized as an expert in aboriginal and community engagement for the world-leading mineral exploration and development sector based in BC.
Nine graduates completed the intensive program that not only prepares graduates for field work in a variety of natural resource industries, but which also included resources to support Aboriginal inclusion and cultural content. Thanks to a $7,000 donation from AME BC, the program included an Aboriginal Instructor on the instructional team, brought elders into the classroom and hosted a celebration of learning to celebrate student success.
“When I started the course, I thought I would fail,” says graduate Cecil Tait. “Every day was a new challenge but the instructors were so incredible and patient, teaching us a set of hands-on skills. I now feel very confident and this program will definitely help me move forward.”
The program is the result of a comprehensive review conducted in 2013-14 in consultation with 21 industry experts from different areas of the natural resources sector and education. The program equips students with a transferable skill-set that maximizes employment options for field positions in a range of areas including mineral exploration, environmental services, initial stages of LNG development, and forestry.
- See more at: http://www.nwcc.bc.ca/news/press-release-august-7-2014-new-training-program#sthash.LYdvQBvS.dpuf
Read More: Press Release: August 7, 2014 - New Training Program