October 12, 2012 Resources for Board Chairs
Douglas College has compiled an extensive list of resources relating to Board orientation. Shelagh Donnelly, EA to the Board, shared these resources with her BCC counterparts at a BCCEA conference on Oct 2nd and 3rd. Paul Wates, Board Chair of Douglas College, is happy to also have this work shared with BCC Board Chairs. He invites and welcomes any recommendations for enhancements that you may have. Please note that these are not the complete series of orientation resources that Douglas College uses, but enough to give you a sense of the protocols.
- Governance Orientation, Education: Douglas College Board Protocols
- Introduction to Douglas College Board Governance
- Gov 101: Douglas College Governance - A Board Member's Orientation to the Board's Role in the Governance of Douglas College
- Gov 102: Inside the Organizational Chart: The College Board - A Board Member's Introduction to Fellow Board Members and Board Administration
- Gov 102.2: Inside the Organizational Chart: Senior Management Team (SMT) - A Board Member's Introduction to Our Senior Administrators and President's Office Administration
- Gov 103: College Governance: Scenarios: Providing Context to Policies, By-Laws, Statutes and Best Practices - A Board Member's Orientation: Supporting the Transition to Board Member
- Gov 104: College Governance: Preparing for Meetings and Retreats - A Board Member's Guide to Preparation for Board or Committee Meetings and Board Retreats (powerpoint)
- Supporting the Board of Governors: Board Orientation and Ongoing Education - a powerpoint presentation by Liz Watson of Watson Inc (www.watsoninc.ca ) - the organization helps you evaluate organizational leadership, connect with top talent, and build high performing Boards.