
VCC Participates in Community Emergency Training through Disaster Simulations

250 nursing students from Vancouver Community College (VCC) and other Lower Mainland post-secondary’s will be participating in community disaster training at VCC through eight different simulations on Thursday, October 20. The drills will take place immediately following ShakeOutBC and a full evacuation of the college.

Community disaster training at VCC through simulations

“The importance of this Interprofessional Education (IPE) simulation is to assist the students in understanding the importance of working with teams of people that you do not know towards the same goal of helping as many people as possible following a disaster,” says Shirley Clarke, instructor, bachelor of science in nursing. “Many people know they should plan for the "big event" but few people do it. This event will heighten the awareness of the need for preparation, self- reliance and cooperation.”

Read More: Media Release: Disaster simulations at VCC

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