Message from Jim Reed - President, BC Colleges
BC Colleges’ 11 member institutions are busy preparing for the upcoming school year. With close to 70 campuses in BC, our colleges play a critical role in the post-secondary system. Colleges are the primary provider of the highly-skilled, job ready graduates needed by the province. College graduates continue to be in high-demand for careers, especially as baby-boomers begin to retire from the workforce. A college education is a terrific way for high-school graduates, or individuals changing occupations, to begin a rewarding career in BC.
With a long history of collaboration with industry, business and communities, BC Colleges continues to look for ways to meet the needs of both employers and students. This month Camosun College launched a new Sheet Metal and Metal Fabrication Foundation program. This 30-week, full-time program is in direct response to current and future industry needs. Our colleges also realize how important it is for students to be able to study close to home and family. Starting in early 2012, North Island College will offer its first Professional Cook 3 program allowing students with a passion for cooking the opportunity to complete all three levels of their apprenticeship training on the North Island. These are just two of the many examples of how our colleges are working to meet the needs of both BC employers and students.Our members are also working hard to foster innovation and entrepreneurship throughout our system. Okanagan College is the most recent of our colleges to receive access to federal research funding by Canada’s largest research granting council, The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Applied research by our colleges today will lead to productivity gains and new business opportunities in the future.
A growing area of importance for BC Colleges is International Education. This month Vancouver Community College expanded its hospitality management training program through a partnership in China. In this program, students begin their studies at Suzhou Vocational School of Information Technology in China and then finish the final 10 courses at VCC. Also, this month, Langara College partnered with Vancouver’s CA.R.E. Society to give Langara students the opportunity to travel abroad and participate in volunteer service opportunities in developing countries.
Finally, our students, educators, administrators and Board Members continue to be recognized for their excellence. This month, Martha Wilson fromNorthwest Community College, a mother, grandmother and proud Gitxsan member of the Wolf (Laxgibuu) Clan belonging to House of Niik'yap, received the 2011 Upper-Year W. Garfield Weston Scholar Award valued at $25,000. In addition to academic achievement, the Garfield Weston Foundation judges award finalists in three areas: community service, leadership and character and integrity. The award interview process was intensive with one phone interview and five in-person interviews in Toronto. As part of the latter, Wilson had to present two hypothetical summer projects – one domestic and one abroad – and she drew on her passion for issues relating to First Nations women, youth, health and poverty. The award will allow Wilson to pursue her career goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. Also this month, Langara’s Board of Governors Vice-Chair, Anne Lippert, was recognized by The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) for her on-going commitment to promote and support the advancement of women in business. The prestigious 2011 World of Difference Awards recognize 100 achievers from 27 countries for their efforts in advancing the economic empowerment of women locally, regionally, or worldwide. Congratulations to both winners.
After a busy summer, I am certain 2011/12 will be a productive and exciting year for BC Colleges. Please read on to learn more about how our colleges are partnering, collaborating and creating new programs to prepare British Columbians for the future. As always, I welcome your feedback. You can reach me by e-mail at The stories below are just a selection of the top stories from our member institutions, to read all of this month's news please check out "In the News". Enjoy the remaining days of summer.
Jim Reed
President, BC Colleges
NLC announces new Vice President, Education
Northern Lights College Media Release, August 16, 2011
Northern Lights College has selected a new Vice President, Education. Dr. Peter Nunoda has joined NLC from University College of the North in The Pas, Manitoba, where he was Dean of Health Sciences. Nunoda replaces Craig Herbert. Herbert is retiring from NLC at the end of the year. For the remainder of his term, Herbert will be taking on a special project involving the processes for program development, review and quality assurance. Nunoda’s appointment is effective Aug. 15. The announcement was made by NLC’s president Laurie Rancourt.
Langara Board of Governors Vice-Chair honoured with international award
Langara College Media Release, August 10, 2011
Langara’s Board of Governors Vice-Chair, Anne Lippert, has been recognized by The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) for her on-going commitment to promote and support the advancement of women in business. The prestigious 2011 World of Difference Awards recognize 100 achievers from 27 countries for their efforts in advancing the economic empowerment of women locally, regionally, or worldwide. Lippert is one of eight British Columbians recognized from hundreds of nominations received from around the world. “Anne demonstrates an unwavering commitment to the provision of quality post-secondary education in this province and is a strong advocate for Langara and for our students,” said Dennis Dineen, Langara Board Chair.
Read more.NWCC's School of Exploration & Mining in full swing and changing lives
Northwest Community College Media Release, August 09, 2011
Some educational programs are hyped as being life-changing learning experiences, however few actually ever deliver on that promise. Yet the students at Northwest Community College's (NWCC) School of Exploration & Mining (SEM) enrolled in this summer's Workforce Exploration Skills Training (WEST) program are saying that is exactly what they are experiencing at Ganokwa Camp, north of Smithers. "I'm really glad I found this program, because before coming here I felt kind of lost," says Giselle Larouche from Penticton. "This has been the most fun I've had at school. It's beautiful out here!" Larouche adds that she is excited about the opportunities this program is providing her. WEST is a seven-week bush camp training program based at SEM's Ganokwa Camp north of Smithers, which features hands-on training of employable skills for careers in exploration, mining and other resource industries.
Read more.Langara College partners with C.A.R.E. Society
Langara College Media Release, August 8, 2011
Students have opportunity to travel for international and humanitarian projects Langara students will soon have the chance to travel abroad and participate in volunteer service opportunities in developing countries as the College partners with Vancouver-based C.A.R.E. Society to launch a pilot project in the 2011/2012 school year. Since 2001, the C.A.R.E. Society has partnered with Cathay Pacific Airways to support their family reunification and disaster relief programs and more recently, established a program for global citizen education. This program provides college and university students with air travel around the world for international service, education, and humanitarian assistance projects. It is all made possible via Asia Miles Travel points donated by passengers.
Read more.Advanced Professional Cook Training Arrives at NIC
North Island College Media Release, August 5, 2011
Beginning February 2012, North Island College will offer its first Professional Cook 3 program allowing students with a passion for cooking the opportunity to complete all three levels of their apprenticeship training on the North Island. The program means students such as Comox Valley cook Doug Huffman no longer have to leave jobs and move south to Nanaimo or Victoria, to prepare for the Interprovincial (Red Seal) exam. “It’s close to home, cost-effective, and well taught by Chef Lilyholm and Chef Hansen,” said Huffman, who recently returned to North Island College for the Professional Cook 1 and 2 programs. NIC’s smaller class sizes, carefully planned courses, and personal instruction allowed him to know his instructors and season his love of cooking with new knowledge and techniques. He looks forward to working with them again as he advances his career training this winter.
Read more.Hard work pays off in a big way for NWCC grad
Northwest Community College Media Release, August 5, 2011
Northwest Community College (NWCC) graduate Martha Wilson has authored a story almost as inspirational as she is and it started with a simple email last year advising her of a scholarship opportunity.Wilson, a mother and grandmother, recently found out she was selected as a 2011 Upper-Year W. Garfield Weston Scholar, an award with a value of $25,000! Award winners get a tuition waiver from the college they attend, a grant of $8,000 towards their living expenses, and access to a mentorship program, summer funding and a leadership conference in Toronto. The award will allow Wilson to pursue her career goal of becoming a clinical psychologist. Read more.
Local painter attends New Westminster Cultural Crawl at Amelia Douglas Gallery
Douglas College Media Release, July 28, 2011
Jack Campbell, an artist who has been painting the Fraser River and other waterways for more than 60 years, will be in attendance at the Amelia Douglas Gallery at Douglas College during the New Westminster Cultural Crawl next month. On Aug. 13 and 14, the two days of the crawl, Campbell will be on hand 11am-5pm to meet visitors and discuss the paintings and drawings in his latest exhibit, Fraser River and the Gulf Islands. Campbell, 80, was born and raised in New Westminster and has lived on Saturna Island for 14 years. He began painting the Fraser in the late 1940s and has been painting scenes of waterways ever since.
Read more.Minister of Advanced Education visits Langara College
Media Release Langara College, July 27, 2011
Langara College was pleased to host the Honourable Naomi Yamamoto, Minister of Advanced Education this past week. Minister Yamamoto and Deputy Minister Cheryl Wenezenki-Yolland visited with students and employees in various departments and programs. “Meeting with students, faculty and staff at Langara College was rewarding,” said Minister Yamamoto. “I was able to meet with a number students in interesting programs and speak candidly about their future plans and career aspirations.”
Read more.Free non-profit management course at COTR
College of the Rockies Media Release, Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Non-profit societies of the Kootenays can energize their organizations with a funded seat in the highly successful Non-Profit Management course at College of the Rockies starting September 10. Once again the Cranbrook Campus is offering this opportunity to 25 members of the non-profit sector. Participants can find out how they can transform their organization by learning about many management-related areas such as strategic and financial management, fundraising and resource development, marketing and public relations. The 14-week course is offered in a mixed setting of classroom and online learning and can be taken as either a credit or non-credit course.
Read more.Hospitality sector to benefit from unique VCC-Chinese partnership
Vancouver Community College Media Release, July 21, 2011
Vancouver Community College has expanded its hospitality management training through a new partnership in China, where students would be able to begin their VCC program then transfer to Vancouver to complete their diploma. Students at Suzhou Vocational School of Information Technology in China would take 10 courses in VCC’s highly respected hospitality program – taught in Chinese but including extensive English as a Second Language training – then finish the final 10 courses at the college’s downtown Vancouver campus.
Read more.Aircraft Structures receives Canadian Forces Accreditation
North Island College Media Release, July 21, 2011
North Island College’s Dean of Trades and Technology, Don Gillingham, received word today that the Canadian Forces (CF) has accredited North Island College’s Aircraft Structures Technician (AME-S) program, which is excellent news for NIC students and graduates considering a career with the CF. Graduates of the program receive advanced standing as Aircraft Structures Technicians with the Canadian Forces and current students may apply to the CF’s Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Education Plan (NCM-SEP) to have their education and training costs paid. In addition to covering the costs of your education, the NCM-SEP also provides a salary while you go to school, an annual vacation, and guarantees you a job upon graduation. “Aircraft Structures is the third NIC program that has received accreditation, joining Industrial Automation Technician and Professional Cook, which speaks volumes about the quality of the education being delivered by NIC,” states Gillingham. “Achieving accreditation is a rigorous process and we are extremely excited to have received the stamp of approval once again.”
Camosun launches new Sheet Metal and Metal Fabrication program: Graduates will gain skills needed in construction, ship building and air craft manufacturing
Camosun College Media Release, July 20, 2011
In response to current and future industry needs, Camosun is launching a new Sheet Metal and Metal Fabrication Foundation program. The 30-week full-time program will prepare graduates for a choice of careers and apprenticeships, accepting 18 students into the first intake, starting Monday, August 22 at Interurban campus. Graduates will gain a wide variety of skills and knowledge, including Precision Sheet Metal skills with a specialty in aircraft sheet metal fabrication and assembly.
Read more.Okanagan College joins list of schools eligible for federal research funds
Okanagan College Media Release, July 20, 2011
Canada’s largest research granting council has added Okanagan College’s name to the list of colleges eligible to receive and administer federal research funding. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) has reviewed and accepted the College’s application to join the growing list of community colleges that will help propel Canada’s innovation agenda. The decision followed an NSERC review of College policies and practices that pertain to research. “This is extremely positive news that comes at an opportune time,” said Okanagan College President Jim Hamilton. “Increasingly, colleges are being regarded as a key component in the innovation and commercialization initiatives in Canada. In the latest budget, for example, the federal government set aside funds specifically intended to spur college and community research initiatives and partnerships.”
Read more.

BC Colleges is a consortium representing BC’s 11 public, community colleges serving almost 200,000 students annually with campuses in close to 70 communities throughout British Columbia. BC’s colleges offer a comprehensive range of programs from university studies and baccalaureate degrees to career, technical and trades education. All of BC’s colleges offer programs that are designed to be accessible, affordable and responsive to the evolving needs of BC communities and industry. For more information, visit our