
Wind Turbine Industry Partners Utilize Northern Lights College’s Training Tower

“The NLC tower is a great tool for training,” said Shawn Trottier, Site Manager for Vestas Wind. “It offers some real benefit, and allows the focus to be on the training, without the added distractions of being in an energized turbine.”

Trottier also noted it is much quieter, allowing for better communication.

“The tower is close enough to the real thing that the training is 100 per cent transferable,” he added. “It is an ideal classroom environment, as you can practice the same techniques we would use up-tower, but in a quieter environment, and closer to the ground and easier to get to.

“More importantly, working in that environment for such a class as opposed to up one of our own towers, we don't have to shut down a producing turbine and impact our customer's production.”

Trottier looks after the wind turbine parks in Tumbler Ridge and Moberly Lake. He currently has eight NLC graduates employed from the Wind Turbine Maintenance Technician program, and says he expects to continue recruiting from future classes.

“Each year, a few of my technicians visit the classes to discuss the industry with the students,” said Trottier. Read more.