Camosun College’s Technology Access Centre (CTAC): a catalyst for B.C. Businesses
Camosun College’s Technology Access Centre (CTAC) is one of 30 Technology Access Centres (TAC) located across Canada, but the only one in B.C. Each TAC is affiliated with a Canadian college, and serves the research and innovation needs of a specific regional economic cluster. The complementary capabilities of Canada’s TACs enhance those of universities, private laboratories, government institutes, and other colleges.
A TAC helps Canadian businesses advance their products, processes and services by:
- conducting research and development projects focused on company problems
- offering specialized technical services
- providing companies with training related to new types of equipment and processes, and
- connecting companies to additional sources of advice, service, expertise and funding
A TAC gives students opportunities to interact with industries on real projects which make a difference:
- students work with TAC’s on projects in fields related to the TAC’s expertise,
- students get to work with state of the art technology that typically is not available to them in their regular curriculum, and
- students are inherently creative and are a force of innovation yet to be realized to its fullest extent
In the last fiscal year, CTAC supported 220 applied research projects with 51 different SME’s (Small Medium sized Enterprises), in addition to working with four different UVIC/UBC groups.