College of the Rockies Alumna Making an Important Difference for Children
Helping to shape the lives and minds of children is a privilege that appealed to Tara Pfaff as far back as she can remember.
“I have always wanted to work with children in some capacity,” she said. “It was just a matter of deciding between taking a Bachelor of Education program or the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program.”
In the end, ECE at College of the Rockies was the route she opted for.
“I chose the College because it was in a location that suited my needs and was more affordable than university,” she said. “I soon realized that the instructors were amazing and the program itself was very comprehensive.”
Since completing the program in 1999, Tara has worked her way up to the position of Program Director at BGC Cranbrook. She credits the College’s ECE program, in addition to her years of experience and on-site training, with providing her with the tools and strategies she’s needed to effectively work with children, and to advance in her career. She continues to find her role rewarding and is looking forward to the future.
“We are in the midst of an exciting expansion that includes a new centre and the addition of evening programming for families that need care outside of the typical 9 am to 5 pm work day,” she said.
Looking back on her decision to enrol in the College’s ECE program, Tara is confident she made the right choice.
“The benefits of attending our local College are numerous and anyone considering attending should do so,” she said. “You won’t regret pursuing and/or furthering your education or other job training through College of the Rockies.”