
Northern Lights College Signs Agreement to Welcome More Students from Kenya

Northern Lights College (NLC) will welcome even more students from Kenya, thanks to agreements with four Kenyan counties.

Earlier this year, NLC signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Kenyan county of Usain Gishu that would allow 50 students from that county to study at NLC with full support from the Usain Gishu County government.

The partnership has expanded, and NLC now has MOUs signed with three more Kenyan counties: Nandi, Elgeyo Marakwet, and Murang’a.

Delegates from Murang’a County, Usain Gishu County, and the Canadian High Commission in Nairobi visited NLC’s Dawson Creek and Fort St. John campuses to sign the MOU and visit with the current Kenyan students on Nov. 21.

“This is a great partnership for NLC,” says Scott Clerk, Acting Vice President of Student Services and Community Relations for NLC. “The Kenyan students that arrive through these partnerships will contribute to the growing diversity in our classrooms, campuses, and communities.”

Murang’a County is a significant technology center in Kenya, says Joseph Mwaura, Murang’a County Executive Team Member for Finance and Economic Planning.

“We hope that with the knowledge they gain from us, and the knowledge they gain here, they will bring back home to equip more industries and more companies, and to make sure that everything we do, we do it on a different level,” he says.

MOUs were previously signed for Nandi and Elgeyo Marakewt counties at an event in Toronto last week.

Original article from Northern Lights College