In The News

At BC Colleges, we want to acknowledge the successes of our colleges, especially excellence in teaching and community building. We celebrate the many milestones, projects, collaborations and announcements from our colleges on our website, in our monthly newsletter, and throughout our social media channels.

Read about the latest news and activities happening at colleges throughout BC in this month’s What’s New at BC Colleges? e-newsletter.

Coast Mountain College Installs Innovative System for Nursing Training

Est. reading time 1 minute

Coast Mountain College (CMTN) is proud to announce the installation of a new, state-of-the-art training tool in the nursing lab on CMTN’s Terrace campus. The PyxisTM MedStationTM is an innovative, automatic system for dispensing medications in a hospital or pharmacy setting. It is designed to minimize disruptions, delays, and the risk of medication error.

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Labour Market Outlook offers exciting look into the future

Est. reading time 1 minute

With approximately one million job openings expected, the Labour Market Outlook and Find Your Path tool provide British Columbians with information to identify and access future educational and career opportunities in an exciting decade.

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