
Rotary Donation Keeps Citizenship Award Going at Northern Lights College

The Rotary Club of Dawson Creek has donated $5,000 to the Northern Lights College Foundation to continue a monetary award.

The Rotary Club of Dawson Creek Citizenship Award was established in 2020 and is given to a Northern Lights College student who actively works to be a good citizen in the community.

“[The] scholarship is based on our four-way test, and, the first thing is, is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendship? And is it beneficial to all?” said Alex Reschny, membership chair for the Rotary Club of Dawson Creek. “That’s what we all try to live by. That’s what we’re basing our scholarship on.”

The chosen student receives $1,000 for this award. Rotary’s donation keeps the award going for five years.

“We want to thank the Rotary Club of Dawson Creek for their generous donation,” said Lindsey Borek, executive director of the Northern Lights College Foundation. “We are so grateful for our donors who allow us to help our students on their educational journey. Thank you for supporting us and our students.”

Original article from Northern Lights College