
What's New at BC Colleges: August 26, 2010

Message from Jim Reed - President, BC Colleges

Welcome to this month’s edition of “What’s New at BC Colleges”.  For many, the end of August means a quiet end to summer.  Not so for BC's 11 community colleges.  BC's colleges are in full swing as they prepare for the return of students.  As I reviewed this month's media from the 70 community college locations throughout BC one word kept coming to mind - new!  Below you will read about new staff, new buildings, new gathering places, newfunding, new partnerships and new programs.  Of course, all of this is in preparation for the most important new of all - new students!

So while some may be enjoying the last lazy days of summer, BC's colleges are busy preparing for students in order to prepare them for their future.  For a full listing of news and media from all of our member institutions, please check out our website at “In the News”.

We welcome your feedback and would be happy to hear from you.  Please feel free to e-mail us at

Jim Reed
President, BC Colleges

CNC adds classes to reduce waitlists
College of New Caledonia Media Release, August 25, 2010

CNC is adding 10 new classes due to a huge demand in several of its core courses for the Fall 2010 semester in an effort to reduce waitlists. Sections have been added in English, Criminology, Anthropology, Psychology, Computer Science, Aboriginal Studies and Business in an effort to get as many students as possible into classrooms this September. Read more.

New associate dean joins Camosun’s School of Access
Camosun College Media Release, August 24, 2010

Camosun’s School of Access, which annually helps over 1,500 students transition to post-secondary education, welcomes Associate Dean Sarah Loewen. “Loewen’s passion for developmental education that helps people grow and transform, and her eclectic background in the private and public sectors, make for an electrifying combination that’s sure to inspire our school, and contribute positively to our greater community,” says Dean John Boraas. Read more.

NLC instructor earns provincial Early Childhood Educator recognition
Northern Lights College, August 23, 2010

An instructor in the Human Development, Education and Care (HDEC) department at Northern Lights College has received provincial recognition.  Patricia McClelland has been an instructor at NLC for seven years, most recently serving as the acting chair for the Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) program.  McClelland was honoured in late May by the Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia (ECEBC) as the recipient of the Gayle Davies Award. The award recognizes commitment to peace, power, friendship and vision, the qualities of excellence in caring in early childhood education. The presentation occurred during the ECEBC’s 39th annual convention in Richmond. Read more.

Selkirk College President accepts new challenges in Atlantic Canada
Selkirk College Media Release, August 19, 2010

After a decade at the helm of Selkirk College, Marilyn Luscombe has accepted the position of President and CEO of New Brunswick Community College (NBCC). She will assume her new position on January 1, 2011.  "I suppose it would be natural to say that our loss is New Brunswick’s gain, but I don’t believe that to be a fair representation of the situation," said Stefan Lehmann, Chair of the Selkirk College Board of Governors. "A more accurate assessment would be to say that we have benefitted from a decade of Marilyn’s leadership, and now she has accepted a new challenge." Read more.

Rebuilding cars teaches new skills and confidence for at-risk  youth
North Shore News,  August 18,  2010

When Chloe Brown started learning to paint cars at a special  youth program through Vancouver Community College, she had no idea  she was painting her future. In 2006, she joined the NASCARZ program, an effort by the Vancouver  Police, VCC and the Ray-Cam Co-operative Centre to help youth involved in car thefts and those at risk to direct their love of  cars into something more productive. community. Read more.

Project Management courses coming to College of the Rockies
College of the Rockies Media Release, August 16, 2010

College of the Rockies, in partnership with Dr. Dale Christenson of the Project Management Centre of Excellence, will be delivering a number of Project Management courses starting in September and culminating with a Certified Associate in Project Management designation.  The first course is Project Management Fundamentals on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 13 and 14 followed by Project Change Management on Wednesday, Sept. 15. More advanced training will be offered at later dates. Read more.

Assistant Deputy Minister returns to College of the Rockies
College of the Rockies Media Release, August 16, 2010

Assistant Deputy Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development, Post-Secondary Division, Dr. Mark Zacharias returned to his roots in a recent visit to College of the Rockies where he inspected work on the College’s Knowledge Infrastructure Program expansion. Dr. Zacharias grew up in Cranbrook and attended school at Mount Baker Secondary before taking University Transfer courses at College of the Rockies. Read more.

Four colleges partner to advance sustainable building agenda
Okanagan College Media Release, August 13, 2010

Four of Canada’s prominent colleges are joining forces to bolster the country’s training and innovation in sustainable building technologies and renewable
energy. Ontario’s Durham College, Alberta’s Lethbridge College, Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) and British Columbia’s Okanagan Collegerecently signed an agreement linking the institutions’ training and projects that are related to sustainable buildings and renewable energy.   Under the agreement, they will work together to plan and co-ordinate program development, applied innovation projects and connections with industry and various federal and provincial agencies. Read more.

Director hired to lead NWCC mining school
Northwest Community College Media Release, August 13, 2010

A respected member of Northwest BC’s minerals industry, Robin Curry, will be the new Director of the Northwest Community College (NWCC) School of Exploration & Mining (SEM), effective Oct. 1, 2010.  Curry has over 20 years experience in the BC mining industry, most recently as the Superintendent of Administration for Northgate Minerals Corporation’s Kemess Mine. Since leaving Kemess in 2007, she has been engaged in contract and volunteer work that facilitates capacity building, sustainable regional economic development and a better understanding of the mineral industry in Northwest BC. Read more.

NWCC fills a trio of administrator portfolios
Northwest Community College Media Release, August 12, 2010

Northwest Community College (NWCC) has strengthened its administrative team with the hiring of three highly experienced people for three key roles in the College’s upper management.  Beverly Moore-Garcia, who started with the College June 1, is the new Vice President of Education and Student Services; Kristine Kofoed started Aug. 1 and she fills an expanded role as Director of Communications & College Advancement; and on Sept. 1, NWCC welcomes Suzanne LeBlanc as its new Director of Human Resources. Read more.

MLA Don McRae Visits North Island College’s new Trades Training Facility
North Island College Media Release, Aug. 6, 2010

An official tour of North Island College’s new Trades Training Facility took place earlier this morning. MLA Don McRae, NIC President Dr. Jan Lindsay and NIC Board Chair Judith Round were shown through the impressive structure while contractors steadily continued their work.  Construction of the $8.2 million, 23,164 square feet (2,152 square metres), centre is scheduled to be complete and ready for occupancy by the end of the year with classes intended to begin in January 2011. The skills development and trades training centre will house carpentry and multi-purpose workshops, a covered open work area, washrooms and offices and three trades training classrooms with an additional unfinished space that will remain flexible for future expansion.  Read more.

Douglas College student shines behind the plate
Douglas College Media Release, August 3, 2010

Douglas College softball player Laura MacMillan is in a league of her own. At 20 years of age, Coquitlam’s MacMillan is the youngest person in Canada to hold Level 4 certification from the Softball Canada. Next week, she heads to St. John, New Brunswick to officiate at the 2010 Canadian Midget Girls Fastpitch Championships, which run August 1 to 8. “It’s exciting,” said the third-year Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching student. “Softball is a social sport and I’m looking forward to meeting and working with new people there and taking part in such a high-level competition.” Read more.

Langara Receives $100k in Internship Funding
Langara College Media Release,July 26, 2010

Langara College welcomes $100,000 in additional funding from Industry Canada's Small Business Internship Program (SBIP). The College will be the sole delivery agent for SBIP's Career Focus Stream of the Youth Employment Strategy in BC. The funding is in addition to the $150,000 received earlier this year from SBIP to develop post-secondary student internships and will be used to develop e-business internship opportunities for recent graduates.  Read more.

NIC Breaks Ground for  First Nations Gathering Place

North island College Media Release, July 23, 2010

Representatives from North Island College, the First Nations communities, NIC Aboriginal students and many honoured guests gathered today at NIC’s Campbell River campus to share in a traditional ground-breaking ceremony and site blessing for the new First Nations Gathering Place. “The concept initialization and development process for this building has been an enlightening one.” said Vivian Hermansen, NIC’s Director, Aboriginal Education. “The initial visioning sessions were an opportunity for employees of the college and non-Aboriginal participants to listen and learn the metaphors that would aid in creating a sense of belonging and identification for aboriginal people.” Read more.

Camosun gets the green light to open 96 new health care seats
Camosun College Media Release, July 22, 2010

It will take some creative scheduling and a few extra instructors to make room for 96 new Practical Nursing and Health Care Assistant students this fall, but that’s a good thing, according to program chair Carly Hall. New funding from the Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development meansCamosun can offer additional placements in these popular health care programs, and graduate more qualified professionals to serve the demand in our community.  Read more.

BC Colleges is a consortium representing BC’s 11 public, community colleges serving almost than 200,000 students annually with campuses in close to 70 communities throughout British Columbia. BC’s 11 colleges offer a comprehensive range of programs from university studies and baccalaureate degrees to career, technical and trades education. All 11 of BC’s colleges offer programs that are designed to be accessible, affordable and responsive to the evolving needs of BC communities and industry. For more, visit our website.