In The News

At BC Colleges, we want to acknowledge the successes of our colleges, especially excellence in teaching and community building. We celebrate the many milestones, projects, collaborations and announcements from our colleges on our website, in our monthly newsletter, and throughout our social media channels.

Read about the latest news and activities happening at colleges throughout BC in this month’s What’s New at BC Colleges? e-newsletter.

Colleges Offer a Helping Hand Amid the Pandemic Tag: BC Colleges Effect

Est. reading time 5 minutes

Camille Pulido, a 22-year-old from the Philippines, received a special back-to-school welcome from her Vancouver Island college this fall: a fresh food hamper delivered weekly until early October. The gesture by Camosun College is among wide-ranging efforts by colleges to assist students, including those from abroad, disrupted by COVID-19.

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New Partnership to Foster Collaboration between BC and Vietnam Colleges Tag: BC Colleges Effect

Est. reading time 1 minute

BC Colleges announced a new partnership today with the Vietnam Association of Community Colleges (VACC) to promote the two-way flow of students and teachers between British Columbia and Vietnam and to advance the international education interests of both organizations.

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Recognizing Apprentices who Help Build the Best B.C. Tag: BC Colleges Effect

Est. reading time 1 minute

The Government of British Columbia celebrates Apprenticeship Recognition Week (Nov. 4 to Nov. 10, 2018) and the many roles that apprentices play in supporting a strong, innovative economy and building the best B.C.

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